

The vision of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Riau is "To become a research faculty that is superior and dignified in the field of teacher training and education in Southeast Asia by 2035".



The missions of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau are as follows:

  1. Carrying out research-based education and teaching
  2. Carrying out research in the context of solving problems and developing teaching and educational science.
  3. Organizing the dissemination of best practices and innovative findings in the field of teaching and education to the community.
  4. Developing Faculty Governance to support an Excellent Faculty with dignity.
  5. Developing the potential excellence of students' interests and talents.
  6. Organizing and strengthening national and international cooperation networking.


Based on the Decree of Yayasan Universitas Riau Number 02/KPN/JUR/62 dated September 15, 1962 which was strengthened by the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number 123 dated September 20, 1962, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau (FKIP UNRI) was officially established coincided with the founding of the University of Riau on 1 October 1962. In 1964 FKIP UNRI separated from UNRI to become the Pekanbaru branch of IKIP Jakarta. In 1968 it merged again with UNRI to become two faculties, namely the Teaching Faculty (FK) and the Faculty of Education (FIP). In 1983 the two faculties were merged to become the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) which remains to this day. In 1983, FKIP UNRI had seven study programs, namely, 1) Indonesian Language and Literature Education, 2) English Language Education, 3) History Education, 4) Civic Law Education, 5) Economic Education, 6) Mathematics Education, and 7) Biology Education. Eleven years later (1994), two study programs were added, namely 8) Physics Education and 9) Chemistry Education. In 1996, the 10) Out-of-School Education study program was formed, which in 2019 changed its name to Community Education. In 2005, the study program 11) Japanese Language Education was established, in 2007 two study programs were established, 12) Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) and 13) Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG-PAUD). In 2008, 3 more study programs were established, namely, 14) Guidance Counseling, 15) Physical Education, Health and Recreation (Penjaskrek), and 16) Coaching and Sports Education. In 2014, FKIP UNRI had a Masters Study Program, namely 17) Economic Education. 2016 saw the establishment of 18) Biology Education, 19) Chemistry Education, 20) Mathematics Education, 21) Physics Education, and 22) Science Education. In 2019, FKIP UNRI also managed a professional program, namely Teacher Professional Education (PPG).

Faculty Leaders

Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si

The Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau