HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - On Sunday, December 22 2024, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the Universitas Riau carried out the 1st Wave of 2024 Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Student Judicial Activities. This event took place at the Royal Asnof Hotel, attended by lecturers, tutors, committee members, and 217 students from various study programs.
FKIP PPG Coordinator, Dr. Elfis Suanto, M.Si, delivered a progress report on PPG activities that had been carried out. Students who take part in the judiciary come from several study programs, namely: Indonesian Language Education (19 students), Mathematics Education (38 students), Elementary School Teacher Education (119 students), and Physical and Health Education (41 students).
Furthermore, the reading of the Decree of the Chancellor of the Universitas Riau regarding student graduation was carried out by Dr. Roza Linda, M.Sc. The inauguration procession for graduating students was carried out by Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Sc., followed by all participants taking the oath of the teaching profession. In his speech, the Dean of FKIP, Universitas Riau emphasized the importance of integrity, competence and dedication of graduates in carrying out their duties as professional educators.
The event continued with the handing over of graduation certificates to the students, delivered directly by Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si, and Dr. Elfis Suanto, M.Sc. A total of 217 students received certificates as a sign of their graduation from the Teacher Professional Education Program.
The judiciary closed with an atmosphere full of pride and gratitude. The success of this event was the result of the cooperation of all parties involved, both the committee and the FKIP academic community at Riau University. Graduates are expected to become competent and highly dedicated educators in educating the nation's next generation.
IG: @fkip.unri
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