HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - On Thursday, November 14 2024, Universitas Riau held the inauguration of three lecturers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the Universitas Riau as Professors in the Rectorate Building of the University of Riau, Siak Sri Indrapura Room, Floor 4. The event was chaired by the Chancellor of the Universitas Riau, Prof. Dr. Sri Indarti, M.Si, who gave the highest award to three FKIP UNRI academics who have shown extraordinary contributions in the fields of education and research.


The three FKIP lecturers who were confirmed were Prof. Dr. Suwondo, M.Si, in the field of Natural Resource Management/Ecology, with a scientific oration entitled "Implementation of an Agroecological System for Palm Oil Plantations for the Management of Peat Swamp Ecosystems to Support Sustainable Development Goals". In his oration, Prof. Suwondo discussed the urgency of implementing an agroecological system in managing oil palm plantations to maintain the sustainability of peat swamp ecosystems which are very important for the environment.


Apart from that, Prof. Dr. Afrianto, M.Ed, was inaugurated as a Professor in the field of English Teacher Education with a scientific oration entitled "Transformation of English Teacher Education: Responding to Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Artificial Intelligence". Prof. Afrianto explained the development of English teacher education which is increasingly relevant with the latest technology, including artificial intelligence, which is both a challenge and an opportunity to improve the quality of English education in Indonesia.


Lastly, Prof. Dr. M. Nasir, M.Kom, an expert in the field of Physics Learning Multimedia, delivered a scientific oration with the title "Immersive Virtual Environment (IVE) Multimedia Based on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: A Blessing or a Disaster". In his oration, Prof. Nasir explained how Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology could become a revolutionary learning tool in physics education, as well as its potential impact on the world of education in the future.


With the inauguration of these three lecturers, the University of Riau, especially FKIP, is further strengthening its role in producing quality academics who can have a positive impact on the progress of science, education and society. This inauguration is not only a source of pride for the university, but also a milestone in progress for FKIP UNRI in producing innovative research that can answer the challenges of the times. In the future, it is hoped that contributions in the world of academics and research will continue to grow and inspire future generations.


IG: @fkip.unri




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