The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Riau (UNRI) is carrying out Socialization on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in conjunction with the Release of Students Participating in the Even Semester of the FY. 2023/2024 on Saturday (19/02/2024) via Zoom Meeting.



The activity began with welcoming remarks and an official opening by the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si, who was represented on this occasion by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Roza Linda, M.Sc. "This outreach activity aims to provide knowledge and information to MBKM student participants regarding sexual violence. Of course we all have to know what things we can and cannot do, because everything has rules. For example, things that we think are just jokes between friends, but maybe not all parties feel comfortable."


"We hope that none of the students participating in MBKM FKIP UNRI will be involved as perpetrators of sexual violence. When outside campus, students not only bring their personal names, but also the names of their parents, study program, faculty and university. So, when a violation of norms occurs, not only the personal name is contaminated, but also other related parties. "Aside from being a form of prevention, this is also a reminder that if you are a victim of sexual violence, the UNRI PPKS task force is a place of protection for the victim," he said.




The activity continued with a PPKS presentation by the Head of the PPKS Task Force, Dr. Separen, S.H., M.H. In his presentation, he conveyed the meaning of sexual violence, forms of prevention and treatment, the scope of PPKS based on Permendikbudristek, SOP PPKS and others. “As for the key concept in sexual violence, the effect is the greatest, but the most difficult to prove. For the victim it is like carving on stone and for the perpetrator it is like carving on water. "The UNRI PPKS task force's complaint service can be accessed via the UNRI PPKS task force's social media, and the information can be found at several locations within the UNRI environment."




The activity continued with a presentation on Assistance and Protection of Victims by Khairiyah Khadijah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd as the UNRI PPKS Task Force Team. He conveyed the mechanism for handling sexual violence, namely starting from receipt of reports, examination, preparation of conclusions and recommendations, recovery, And recurrence prevention measures.



The activity ended with the official release of the 237 MBKM students by the Dean of FKIP represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Roza Linda, M.Si accompanied by the Chair of MBKM FKIP, Otang Kurniaman, M.Pd along with the MBKM FKIP Team at Riau University. There is great hope that students participating in MBKM can carry out activities and activities smoothly and provide maximum benefits.