HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - The Education Study Program, Doctoral Program, together with the English Language Education Master's Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Riau, held a Curriculum Reconstruction Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on Tuesday, September 3 2024, at The Zuri Hotel Pekanbaru. This activity was attended by the Coordinator of the Doctoral Education Study Program, Prof. Dr. Hadriana, M.Pd., Coordinator of the English Language Education Masters Study Program, Dr. Jismulatif, M.Hum, as well as lecturers, students and graduate users (stakeholder). The resource person for this activity was Prof. Dr. Sudarwan Danim, as Head of the Education Doctoral Study Program and Prof. Dr. Mahdum, M.Pd as head of the Curriculum Reconstruction Team.


Chairman of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Sumarno, M.Pd., M.Si, in his report said that this FGD was held to meet the demands of graduates' usability. He explained that stakeholders were invited as graduate users, and lecturers played a role in this process. "We hope that we will collect a lot of input from stakeholders to make it an outcome-based curriculum. Hopefully with today's discussion, we can create, improve and develop a curriculum that meets the expectations of lecturers, institutions, study programs, faculties and future users," " said Prof. Sumarno.


Dean of FKIP UNRI, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si, in his speech emphasized the importance of a curriculum that meets the demands of the times. "We would like to thank the resource persons who are willing to be speakers at this activity. The presence of the stakeholders is very necessary in order to improve the quality of students and graduates. Hopefully this activity will provide benefits for all of us and be a good opportunity for the institution and strengthen ties of cooperation for the sake of mutual progress in the future," he said.


The activity continued with presentation of material by the resource person, moderated by Prof. Dr. Suarman, M.Sc. It is hoped that this FGD activity can produce a curriculum that is relevant and adaptive, in line with the needs of the world of work and current developments, and able to improve the quality of education at the Universitas Riau.


IG: @fkip.unri




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