HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Riau has again recorded extraordinary achievements with the inauguration of Prof. Dr. Hermandra, S.Pd., M.A as Professor in the branch of Semantics. This inauguration took place on Tuesday, December 10 2024, at the Student Center Building at Riau University and was led directly by the Chancellor of Riau University, Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Indarti, M.Sc.
As Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Hermandra is a figure who not only contributes in the university managerial sphere but also in the academic realm. In his scientific oration entitled "Cognitive Semantics as a Media for Dissecting Meaning," he explained the importance of the cognitive semantic approach as an analytical tool in understanding the meaning of language. This contribution not only enriches the study of linguistics but also becomes a new guideline in developing language learning curricula, both at school and college levels.
This inauguration further strengthens FKIP Riau University as a center for superior and competitive teacher education. Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si, expressed his pride in this achievement. "Prof. Hermandra is an inspiration for all FKIP lecturers and students. With his achievements, we are optimistic that FKIP will continue to be a pioneer in the development of research-based education," he said.
Apart from Prof. Hermandra, 12 other professors from various faculties were also inaugurated, including Prof. Dr. Roza Elvyra, S.Si., M.Si and Prof. Herman, M.Sc., Ph.D from FMIPA; Prof. Dr. Ir. Efriyeldi, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Deni Efizon, M.Sc, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafruddin Nasution, M.Sc from FPK; and Prof. Dr. Afrianti, M.Biomed, M.Sc, Ph.D and Prof. Dr. Dr. Ismawati, M. Biomed from FK. The Chancellor of the University of Riau said that this inauguration was a form of the university's commitment to improving academic quality and making a real contribution to the world of education and research.
With the addition of another Professor from FKIP, the enthusiasm to continue to improve the quality of education and research is even stronger. Hopefully Prof. Dr. Hermandra can continue to make his best contribution, not only to FKIP but also to the development of education in Indonesia.
IG: @fkip.unri
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