Improving the Quality of Education: Field Assessment of Master of Indonesian Language Education


HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the Universitas Riau has carried out a Field Assessment (AL) for the Master of Indonesian Language Education Study Program. The AL activities took place for two days, namely on Friday (30/08) and Saturday (31/08) in the Senate Room, 2nd Floor, FKIP Dean Building, University of Riau. The Assessor Team sent by the Independent Education Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK), namely Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd from Jakarta State University and Dr. Wisman Hadi, S.Pd., M.Hum from Universitas Negeri Medan.


The arrival of the Assessor Team was warmly welcomed by the Chancellor of the Universitas Riau, Prof. Sri Indarti, M.Sc who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mexsasai Indra, S.H.,. M.H together with the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si welcomed the Assessor Team assigned by the Independent Education Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK). Also present to accompany, the Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Hermandra, M.A., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Roza Linda, M.Si, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Mahmud Alpusari, M.Pd, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation, Ria Novianti, S.Psi, M.Pd.


Education Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LPPMP), Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), Universitas Riau Quality Assurance Center (PJM), FKIP Faculty Quality Assurance Unit (SPMF), FKIP Accreditation Team, Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Elmustian, M.A, as well as Lecturers in the Indonesian Language Education Study Program also took part in this activity. 


Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mexsasai Indra, S.H., M.H., conveyed in his remarks, "On behalf of the leadership and academic community, especially FKIP Universitas Riau, welcome and thank Prof. Endry and Dr. Wisman Hadi who was present as an assessor for the Indonesian Language Education Masters Study Program. "Accreditation is a routine process that we carry out to ensure that study program management is carried out well."


The opening remarks were continued by, Assessor 1, Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd "We came to hear clarification and confirmation regarding the data that has been sent to LAMDIK. During these two days we will carry out an assessment of micro teaching, independent work meetings, then we will submit the results to the LAMDIK Executive Board. We hope for help and cooperation to provide complete data and information." The opening event ended with the signing of the Accreditation Implementation Statement Letter by the Dean, Assessor Team, and Study Program Coordinator.


This series of Field Assessments was carried out over two days. On the first day the Assessor Team carried out learning observations, confirmation sessions with the Study Program Implementation Unit (UPPS), LPPMP, LPPM, SPMI, Tracer Study and SPMF. The Assessor Team confirmed various matters, including the vision and mission of FKIP Riau University, implementation of research and service, technical implementation tracer study, and others. followed by interviewing lecturers, education staff and students. The next day, the Assessor conducted a facility observation. 


The second day's activities began with a review of educational facilities and infrastructure, then the Assessor Team provided feedback to the Master of Indonesian Language Education Study Program, including regarding human resources and development of the scientific field, as well as giving appreciation for the excellent coordination with all related parties. 


After signing the minutes of the field assessment, while closing the series of events, the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si expressed his gratitude to the Assessor Team for the feedback provided, "We thank all parties who have contributed well, starting from the leadership, study program coordinators, accreditation team, lecturers and even stakeholders, students and education staff. Hopefully we get good results and according to expectations"



IG: @fkip.unri




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