HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - On Friday, 23 August 2024, FKIP Universitas Riau held a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signing activity with 104 partners, at the M. Diah Building, FKIP UNRI. This event was attended by the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si, together with the deputy deans, namely Dr. Roza Linda, M.Si (Academic Affairs), Dr. Mahmud Alpusari, M.Pd (General Affairs and Finance), and Ria Novianti, S.Psi., M.Pd (Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation). Also present were the Chair of MBKM FKIP UNRI, Otang Kurniaman, M.Pd, Chair of UPLP FKIP UNRI, Zufriady, S.Sn, M.Pd, and PPG FKIP UNRI Coordinator, Dr. Elfis Suanto, M.Sc.
This activity aims to encourage collaboration between FKIP UNRI and partners from various institutions, including universities, departments, institutions and schools. Apart from signing the MoA, this event is also a momentum to socialize the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM), the MBKM Professional Training Program (PLP), and the Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) which will involve partners in its implementation.
Collaboration between FKIP UNRI and partners is an important key in encouraging educational development and implementing programs such as MBKM, PLP MBKM, and PPL PPG. This collaboration ensures that various institutions such as universities, departments, institutions and schools can work together to create an innovative and sustainable educational environment.
IG: @fkip.unri
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