HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Riau (UNRI) held a PLP MBKM Provisioning Workshop for Students on Thursday (29/08) at the M. Diah Building, FKIP UNRI. This activity was attended by the Dean of FKIP UNRI, Prof. Dr. Jimmy Copriady, M.Si, who on this occasion was represented by, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Roza Linda, M.Si, and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation, Ria Novianti, S.Psi, M.Pd.
The Workshop on Introduction to the Schooling Field (PLP) and the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) are activities held to prepare UNRI FKIP students to face and undergo the PLP program. This activity aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the implementation of PLP, effective teaching strategies, as well as explaining students' roles and responsibilities while undergoing PLP.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Roza Linda, M.Si, said in his opening remarks, "Today, we will carry out a PLP MBKM Debriefing Workshop which aims to prepare students to face and carry out the PLP as well as possible. This workshop is an important part of a student's academic journey which will help connect the theory learned in college with direct practice in the field. We hope that participants can take part in this workshop enthusiastically and actively participate in each session. "Hopefully what you learn today will provide useful provisions to face PLP better."
The activity continued with Socialization of the UNRI PKKS Task Force by the Chair of the UNRI PKKS Task Force, Dr. Saparen, M.H., "The UNRI Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force is committed to creating a campus environment that is safe and free from sexual violence, as well as ensuring that all members of the campus community receive appropriate protection and support."
The event continued with the socialization of the PLP MBKM briefing, by the Chair of the PLP, Zufriady, and Head of MBKM, Otang Kurniawan, M.Pd.
IG: @fkip.unri
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