HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO – The School Field Introduction Unit (UPLP) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Riau (UNRI) carried out activities to release PLP MBKM International students at the Dean's room on Wednesday, October 2 2024. FKIP Riau University released 12 semester 5 students which consists of study programs: 1) Bachelor of Biology Education; 2) Bachelor of English Education; 3) Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Education; 4) Bachelor's Degree in Physics Education; 5) Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and recreation; 6) Bachelor's degree in PAUD Education; and 7) S1 PGSD.
This activity was opened by the Dean of FKIP, Universitas Riau, Prof. Jimmi Copriady, M. Si. He gave a mandate to students to increase creativity and innovation in developing teaching abilities in internships. The hope of the Dean of FKIP, Universitas Riau, is that the implementation of this International MBKM PLP activity can increase student capacity in the field networking, skill teaching, and getting to know international culture.
Deputy Dean 1 dr. Roza Linda, M. Si. and Deputy Dean 3 Ria Novianti, S. Psi., M. Pd. also gave a message to intern students so that they can maintain the good name of the Riau University alma mater and collaborate with stake holder through other Higher Education Tri Dharma activities such as observing and identifying problems in the field to be used as research topics in working on the Final Assignment (Thesis).
The implementation of PLP MBKM International FKIP Universitas Riau will be held from October 7-26, 2024 in 3 schools, namely: 1) Maahad Tahfiz As-Sa'idiyyah High School; 2) Anna Port Dickson Nursery School; and 3) Maahad Tahfiz As-Sa'idiyyah Primary School.
IG: @fkip.unri
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