HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - The Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the Universitas Riau is carrying out an Academic Orientation for Certain PPG Teacher Phase 3 Students in 2024. This activity, which was held on Thursday (03/10/2024), was carried out via hybrid at Fox Hotel Pekanbaru and zoom meeting.


The activity begins with Report from the PPG Program Coordinator, Dr. Elfis Suanto, M.Sc., "We welcome you to the students of PPG Certain Teachers Stage 3 in 2024. The total number of participants at this stage is 2585 students consisting of 10 fields of study." The fields of study in question are Indonesian (60 students), English (90 students), Economics (15 students), Chemistry (30 students), Mathematics (120 students), History (60 students), PG-PAUD (150 students ), PGSD (1460 students), Physical Education (540 students)) and Civics (60 students) who live from the islands of Java and Sumatra. 


The event was officially opened by Dean of FKIP, University of RiauProf. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si., who in his speech said that this orientation activity was designed to prepare students to face lectures well. He emphasized the importance of mastery Teaching Freedom Platform (PMM) as the main capital for participants in undergoing the learning process during this PPG program. "With knowledge about this platform, we hope that participants can use it to support success in their studies," he said while officially opening the event.


The activity then continued with a presentation regarding Policy regarding PPG for Certain Teachers, Introduction of PPG for Certain Teachers, Introduction of UKPPPG for Certain Teachers delivered by Dr. Elfis Suanto, M.Si and Self-Reported Driving by Sahlan, S.Pd. With the orientation provided, it is hoped that the participants can undertake this program with enthusiasm and become teachers with integrity who are able to contribute positively to the progress of education in Indonesia.


IG: @fkip.unri




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