The Physics Education Study Program Student Association (HIMA PEFSI) Faculty of Teacher Training and Science (FKIP) Education, University of Riau (UNRI) held the Opening of the 18th Physics Olympiad in 2024 with the theme, "Through the Physics Olympiad, young physicists are born who are critical, innovative and cultured in creating a generation Indonesian gold," on Monday, January 29 2024 at the M. Diah Building, University of Riau. This routine agenda, which is held every year, can be attended by elementary school/equivalent, middle school/equivalent, high school/equivalent students throughout Sumatra and university students throughout Indonesia.
The series of opening events was attended by the Dean of FKIP, who on this occasion was represented by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation, Ria Novianti, S.Psi., M.Pd, Coordinator of the Physics Education Study Program, Dr. Syahril, M.Pd., lecturer and student of the Physics Education Study Program, as well as Olympiad participants.
The competition branches in this activity include; Theoretical and Experimental Aptitude Tests, Physical Science Quiz, 3D Madding, National Learning Videos, and others.