HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Riau held a Public Lecture and Handover for Odd Semester Postgraduate Students for the 2024/2025 Academic Year on Thursday, 15 August 2024. This event was held at the M. Diah Building FKIP UNRI and was attended by 300 participants , consisting of lecturers, undergraduate students, new students and active students of the FKIP postgraduate program UNRI.


The event began with the declaration of the activity report by the Chief Executive, Dr. Hendri Marhadi, S.E., M.Pd. and continued with remarks from the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si. by conveying the Faculty's commitment to educating and guiding students to gain knowledge that is relevant to current developments. He also emphasized the importance of knowledge oriented to local wisdom, especially "Tunjung Ajar Melayu" in facing global challenges.


The event continued with the official handover of new FKIP Postgraduate Program students which was marked by the signing of the Minutes by the Dean and Coordinator of the Masters and Doctoral Study Programs. 


Apart from that, there was an exclusive Guest Lecture event moderated by Dr. Elmustian, M.A. with two great speakers (1) Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana, E.S., M. Bus. The Postgraduate Director of Universitas Negeri Jakarta discussed material on "Contemporary Education Issues" and (2) Datuk Seri H. Taufik Ikram Jamil, Chairman of the Daily Leadership Council of the Riau Malay Traditional Institute, reviewed material on "Malay Culture in the Challenges of the Times".


The highlight of this activity was the delivery of testimony from FKIP UNRI Postgraduate alumni, Tri Padila Rahmasari, M.Pd, who now serves as a lecturer in the Chemistry Education Study Program, FKIP, Universitas Riau.


IG: @fkip.unri




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