HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - On Sunday, August 11 2024, the National Kompasperti Competition was successfully held online via Zoom Meeting. This activity is the result of collaboration between the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Universitas Riau and Gugusdepan 08.001 and 08.002 Scouts at Riau University. Held in commemoration of the 63rd Scout Day, this event is a venue for enthusiastic competition for participants from various universities in Indonesia.
A total of 53 participants from various universities throughout Indonesia participated in this competition, showing the high enthusiasm of the young generation to be involved in innovative and creative Scout activities. Carrying the theme "Scouts as an Effort to Optimize the Role of Generation Z in Character Formation for the Golden Generation," this activity emphasizes the importance of character formation through scout activities.
Apart from the competition, this series of activities will be continued with a National Seminar scheduled for Wednesday, August 14 2024. It is hoped that, through this competition and seminar, students can improve their personal skills while creating strong characters to support their current and future self-development. .
IG: @fkip.unri
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