HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau (FKIP UNRI) held the 2023 Batch 2 Pre-Service PPG Student Judicial event, on Monday, December 3 2024. Taking place in the Ballroom of the Aryaduta Hotel, this activity was an important moment for the 87 students who had completed Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program. Students who carry out the judisum come from various study programs, namely Indonesian Language, Mathematics, Physical Education, Health and Recreation (PENJASKES), and Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD).
The event was attended by the Dean of FKIP UNRI, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si., accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Roza Linda, M.Si, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Mahmud Alpusari, M.Pd, as well as Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Ria Novianti, S.Psi, M.Pd, UNRI PPG Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Elfis Suanto, M.Si, and UNILAK PPG Coordinator, Dr. Drs. H. Nurfaisal, M.Pd.
The judicial procession began with an opening by the presenter, followed by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya. A solemn atmosphere enveloped the room when the Dean of FKIP UNRI gave his speech. In his speech, Prof. Jimmi expressed his appreciation to the students for their dedication and hard work while participating in the PPG program. As a faculty that produces prospective professional educators, FKIP UNRI has a big responsibility to keep up with current developments. In this digital era, AI technology can be a strategic partner in improving the quality of education.
After the speech, the judicial procession was carried out with the reading of the list of names of students who were declared to have passed by the UNRI PPG Study Program Coordinator. Each student is called to receive a judicial certificate, as a sign of official graduation from the PPG program. This moment was the highlight of an event full of emotion and pride for the students.
The event closed with a group photo session, followed by friendly hospitality between students, lecturers and invited guests. The atmosphere of togetherness was warm, reflecting the family spirit within the FKIP UNRI environment.
With the success of this graduation, the 2023 FKIP UNRI Pre-Service PPG students are now ready to take on responsibilities as professional educators who are able to face the challenges of the world of education in the future.
IG: @fkip.unri
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