HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - Universitas Riau held an inauguration as Professor for Prof. Dr. Roza Linda, S.Si., M.Si on Monday, December 23 2024, at the Student Center Building, University of Riau. In this solemn event, Prof. Roza Linda was confirmed as a Professor in the field of Analytical Chemistry. He also currently serves as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Riau.
This inauguration was a historic moment for Prof. Roza Linda who has shown extraordinary dedication in the academic world. The field of Analytical Chemistry that he is involved in has an important role, not only in the development of science, but also in real applications in various sectors such as environmental management and industry. By becoming a Professor, Prof. Roza Linda is expected to further contribute to research, teaching and community service.
At the same event, Riau University also inaugurated three other Professors, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Monita Olivia, S.T., M.Sc from the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ida Zahrina, S.T., M.T from the Faculty of Engineering, and Prof. Dr. Sri Endang Kornita, S.E., M.Si from the Faculty of Economics and Business. The inauguration of these four Professors reflects the university's commitment to encouraging improvements in academic quality and achievements in various fields of science.
The inauguration event was attended by the leadership of the University of Riau, including the Chancellor of the Universitas Riau, Prof. Dr. Sri Indarti, M.Si, who directly led the inauguration process. Apart from that, there were also a number of lecturers, academic colleagues, students and the extended family of FKIP Universitas Riau who provided full support to Prof. Roza Linda.
With this inauguration, FKIP Universitas Riau further strengthens its position as one of the faculties that is committed to the development of science and innovation, in line with the mission in creating a superior and competitive campus. This success also shows the real contribution in building an educational ecosystem that supports the achievement of the best academic achievements.
IG: @fkip.unri
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