HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Riau held Leadership Project Work Degree for students of the Pre-Service Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) Batch II Semester 2 2023 on Friday, August 9 2024, in the M. Diah building, FKIP, Universitas Riau. This event coincided with the visit of the Director General of Education, Teachers and Education Personnel, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd, who was also present to witness the innovation exhibited by the students.
The event was also attended by the Chancellor of the Universitas Riau, represented by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mexsasai Indra, S.H., M.H, accompanied by the Dean of FKIP UNRI, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si. In his speech, the Vice Chancellor stated that the Universitas Riau was proud to be trusted as the LPTK organizer of PPG, with the hope of creating professional teachers.
Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd emphasized the importance of the Leadership Project program as part of efforts to produce teachers who innovate and become agents of change. A total of eight student groups presented their real actions through exhibitions showing the results and impacts of their projects in the field. This event is an important moment in the academic journey of PPG students, confirming their commitment to implementing innovative leadership in the world of education.
IG: @fkip.unri
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