HUMASFKIPUNRI INFO - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Riau University successfully held a Seminar and Workshop entitled "Integration of Japanese Language and Popular Culture in Japanese Language Learning" on Saturday, January 11 2025. This event took place in a hybrid manner, namely in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of FKIP Riau University and via Zoom Meeting, as well as attended by various stakeholders in the field of Japanese language education.
This event began with remarks from the Chair of the Riau Province Japanese Language Education MGMP, Bobby Kurniawan, S.Pd., who emphasized the importance of adaptation in teaching Japanese by utilizing popular culture as a learning medium. A speech was also delivered by the Chair of ASPBJI Karwil West Sumatra-Riau, Prisyanti Suciaty, S.Hum., who highlighted the role of collaboration between educators in developing a curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the times.
Officially, this seminar was opened by the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Jimmi Copriady, M.Si., represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Roza Linda, M.Sc. In his speech, he said that this seminar was a strategic step to strengthen the competence of Japanese language teachers in facing global education challenges.
The event continued with the presentation of material by keynote speaker Shigemura Miyoko, Japanese Language Expert from The Japan Foundation, Jakarta. In his presentation, Shigemura Miyoko explained the strategy of integrating Japanese popular culture, such as anime, manga and music, as an effective learning tool to increase student interest.
Two focused speakers also enriched the discussion, namely Dini Budiani, B.Eng., M.Ed., lecturer at the Japanese Language Education Study Program at Riau University, who discussed innovation in teaching methods based on extensive reading, and M. Peri Syaprizal, M.Pd., Japanese language teacher from SMKN 1 Teluk Kuantan, who explained interactive teaching practices based on Japanese culture at the school level.
Apart from material presentations, this event was also filled with seminars by 28 speakers consisting of teachers, lecturers and educational practitioners. This seminar discusses various themes such as Japanese language learning, Japanese linguistics, Japanese literature, and Japanese culture. This discussion provides new insights and becomes an opportunity to share experiences between educators.
It is hoped that this seminar will be able to make a real contribution to the development of Japanese language teaching that is relevant, innovative, and supports the creation of fun and effective learning. With the diversity of material presented, this activity is a new inspiration for educators to continue to innovate in integrating Japanese with popular culture.
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