ABC University, 22 July 2024 - An independent assessment team from the Higher Education Accreditation Agency (BAPTI) recently completed a field assessment at ABC University, providing an overview of the condition of campus infrastructure and facilities.

In the assessment session which lasted for two days, the assessment team visited various facilities on campus, including lecture buildings, laboratories, libraries, as well as sports areas and extracurricular activities. The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the adequacy, suitability and security of the infrastructure provided by the university for students and staff.

According to the report released by BAPTI, the general condition of the ABC University grounds is considered satisfactory with several notes that need attention. Facilities such as lecture buildings and laboratories meet established standards, but there are still several areas that need to be improved in terms of routine care and maintenance.

"It is very important for universities to pay attention to routine maintenance of existing facilities, to ensure that the learning and teaching environment remains comfortable and safe for all users," said Dr. Amanda Tan, head of the assessment team from BAPTI.